Thursday, January 29, 2009


Since the end user will be developing his site in a PHP framework called Symfony, I wanted to test that it works with the setup on the LAMP server. Symfony has a tutorial which claims can be done in hour. It went well for a while until one change caused the application to throw exceptions. Now, what I should have done, was undo the change and just use what I had for my testing. Instead, I wasted considerably more than an hour to figure out what the problem was. I did solve it eventually, but the very next step failed again. By this time I had had enough and controlled the urge to fix the problem. I really don't have much love for PHP.

I did learn a little about Symfony and found that you need programming skills to get the most out it. I hope the end user knows what he is getting into. I've been told that he is just regular user. I hope he has more skills than that, otherwise using Symfony is going to be a very steep learning curve.

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