Viper's Creed is an anime series that started in January 2009. The series is set in the future after a devastating world war. Global warming caused the oceans to rise and flood the coastal cities. It is not clear if the war hasten the global warming. The cities have adapted and continue to thrive, but there are terrorists who attack the cities using robotic weapons. Private police forces use transforming mecha to protect the cities from the robotic weapons. The police are just mercenaries and don't really care about the city they are protecting. They get paid by the kill and are free to withdraw if the risks are too high, although one named Saiki seems to be willing go above and beyond. All of that from episode 1, which was mainly one long, running gun battle anyway. Phew!
Things calm down a little bit in episode 2 as more of the plot emerges. The immediate questions are, who are these so called terrorists, and, why are they attacking the cities? The robots they use are found in the deepest parts of the city, which suggests the terrorists must be inside the city. The city's leadership does not have the full approval of all the citizens, it seems. Haruki, the son of one of the leaders, joins the police because he disagrees with his father's methods for protecting the city. Haruki is completely dedicated to protecting his city, an attitude which has already putting him at odds with the other mercenaries.
There is a lot going on in this story, even though it is primarily an action series.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
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