07-Ghost is a sci-fi anime series with a gothic atmosphere. The story revolves around Teito Klein and his mysterious past. Teito is introduced as a former slave who was adopted by a high ranked military official, which allowed him to enter the military academy. Just before graduation, Teito suddenly remembers a small fragment of his past. He finds himself pitted against the powerful military elites and is forced to flee the academy. He escapes with the help of his only friend, Mikage, whom Teito has to leave behind, which weighs very heavily on him. In fact Teito has an excessively brooding nature which might be his only serious character flaw. As Teito remembers more of his past he also begins draw on a source power he never knew he had before.
Teito takes refuge in a church which provides much of the gothic atmosphere that is completed with an organ music sound track. The priests of the church are a little quirky and provide much of the comedic elements to balance the heavy dramatic side of the story. The priests' oddball behaviour notwithstanding, they all have hidden abilities and are extremely powerful. The church is protected by seven ghosts, from which the title of the series is derived, but they haven't actually made an appearance yet. But I have a strong suspicion who might be using the ghosts' powers.
Ah, I love a story with so many mysteries!
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