Wednesday, October 21, 2009

CRTC Calls This A Decision

Today the CRTC released their "decision" on net neutrality and usage based billing. And it was utter drivel! All they have decided is that they can't decide yet. Meanwhile the deep packet inspection continues, the throttling continues, and economic methods (UBB and caps) should be the preferred method of controlling congestion. The latter is accepted as fact even though has been disproved.

And what do we get in return for having to put up with this crap? Usage based billing will be delayed but has not been ruled out (see above). Consumers and wholesale ISPs can now complain to the CRTC about throttling. Wow, really? If we had gotten any more, we would have difficulty sitting down for a while.

If you are Canadian please head over to and sign the petition to ditch current CRTC. Here are a few others talking about this travesty disguised as a decision.

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