Sunday, March 8, 2009

Daylight Savings Time Again

I forgot about the time change last night. I got up at 8:15am and only remembered to change the clocks about 2 hours later. Technically, then, I actually got up at 9:15 so I had really slept in for an hour. Usually when I sleep in, the day feels really cramped for time. Don't get me wrong, I like sleeping in, but I usually pay for it later in the day. Today was no different. I felt I like had to rush through everything to get it done.

Normally, I prefer to change the clocks when I go to bed, so that the time I get up in the morning is the correct time. It just feels right. Also, my method negates the idea of gaining or loosing an hour of sleep. At least, I think does... I try not to think about it too much. Makes my head hurt.

I wish we didn't have to change the clocks at all. There is no measurable benefit as far as I am concerned. Is there anyone out there who actually finds daylight saving time useful?

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